Nachida Djerbaoui
A leading Manager in diffrent industries

A leading Manager in diffrent industries
Nachida Djerbaoui
Holder of a scientific baccalaureate in 1983, Nachida Djerbaoui continued her studies in Biology and obtained a bachelor's degree in 1989 then a master's degree in law, economics and strategy of industries from the University of Paris V in 1991.
Her professional career began with teaching, then she held several positions in industrial groups in Algeria such as the pharmaceutical production group SAIDAL until 2004 where she was in charge of external relations then commercial manager in an Algerian-Belgian company. From 2008 to 2014, she held the post of head of department at the national center for distance vocational education. From 2014 to 2016 she was commercial director of CIAL FARM, a company specializing in medical and hospital equipment.
In 2017 she created her business office with an annex in France where she has also represented SEVE since 2018.