Fishing Industry
Fatou Niang Ndiaye
Managing Director of SOPASEN

Managing Director of SOPASEN
After a DEUG at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar, she did a specialization in International Trade at the Institut Supérieur de Management de Dakar (ISM) and a Master's degree in Management at CESAG. She also completed the AWEP (African Women Entrepreneurship Program) in 2011.
Fatou Niang Ndiaye started her career in the fishing sector more than 28 years ago. She is now Managing Director of SOPASEN (Société de Pêche et d'Armement Sénégalais), a leader in the fishing sector in Senegal, specializing in the export of wild shrimps all over the world.
Fatou Niang Ndiaye is Treasurer of the Groupement des Armateurs and Industrialists of the Fishing Industry in Senegal (GAIPES), cofounder of ESKIMO and FS PRO of local start-ups.
Fatou Niang Ndiaye is President of the Women’s Investment Club (WIC) since July 2020.