Women Empowerment
Caroline Brummelhuis
Chapter Head of TheNextWomenTunisie

Chapter Head of TheNextWomenTunisie
Caroline Brummelhuis
Dutch, with a Licence LEA of the Sorbonne and the Copenhague Business school, she worked as an International Sales Manager at one of the biggest Tourist Companies in France, P&V.
She mooved to Tunis and created her own event management & communication company ECOM in 2002, organizing all type of events and communication strategies for private and publics clients.
In 2016, Caroline launched TheNextWomenTunisie, a professional international network to promote female entrepreneurship by creating a community for female founders and corporate profiles, from different regions and sectors in order to developing business opportunities in Tunisia and abroad!
TheNextWomenTunisie organized since, in cooperation with public and private partners more than 70 events - networking days, training ateliers, pitch competitions, investor’s matching meetings…, reaching out also to the other Maghreb countries – Libya, Algeria, and Morocco - TheNextWomenTunisie is part of an international network with HQ in Amsterdam, Holland